Smitten Ice Cream.
By Sophie Burton
The grub gods answered our ice cream pleas and sent us Smitten.
Smitten Ice Cream
432 Octavia St, San Francisco, CA 94102
Hayes Valley
(1) 415 863 1518
One mention of this joint is enough to get my tummy trembling, as Smitten’s ice cream has got to be Frisco’s best. Smitten’s secret lies with ‘Kelvin’, a grunty one-of-a-kind machine that uses liquid nitrogen to whip up made to order ice cream in 60 seconds flat. Even those with ADD tendencies will be able to wait without complaint, as the ‘before-after’ is all part of the experience. Fresh ingredients are tossed in and swiftly turned into smooth, unbelievably creamy goodness that I assure you trumps all other competitors. Just make sure you order your scoop in a pizzelle cone. Made in-house, the staff here will plug it full of ‘edible stoppers’; all in an effort to make sure no ice cream drips onto your lap.